Sep 27, 2021 | News, Uncategorized


Based on the conducted research and trends in cultural tourism, we designed the Pro-Youth methodology of project learning with mentoring and successfully tested it through pilot training. When designing educational programs, we did not only focus on skills that young people often lack, such as independence in managing heritage projects, but we also included instruction on careful presentation and heritage management. Thus, we contribute to the sustainable development of destinations.

The recognizability of the Pro-Youth methodology is hidden in the acronym ACP in the sleeve of heritage tourism. ACP represents Authenticity, Creativity and Participation. We believe that these are three key and easy-to-understand elements that should be an integral part of any educational activity or cultural-tourism project related to heritage.

About Pro-Youth training:

Through the Pro-Youth training, we tested the methodological framework, educational modules and the manual. Based on the experience from the training and research that preceded the development of the methodology, recommendations for public policies related to cultural tourism were made.

We conducted the first Pro-Youth training for young people at the end of 2020 in cooperation with various mentoring institutions from the area of ​​Banovina, Podravina and Slavonia. Despite epidemiological measures, and even a strong earthquake that literally destroyed the offices of some of our participants, the perseverance and enthusiasm of all participants maintained an enviable level. The training resulted in creative projects inspired by local heritage, which were implemented in a short time from an idea to a complete project. The young participants showed an exceptional level of adaptability to unpredictable working conditions and each of them gained some new skills and became aware of what is needed to create a sustainable tourism product for visitors.

The mentoring training exceeded the expectations of the project team. Regular monitoring of the development of individual projects and induction to work according to the guidelines of trainers, had very concrete results. It should be noted that the Pro-Youth manual is designed for independent use. It is written in understandable language with a handful of practical examples and worksheets that help even those without any experience to find their way in the field of cultural tourism and manage the project independently.

Training duration: November 2020 – January 2021

Number of mentoring organizations: 11 / Number of mentors: 13 / Number of completed projects: 11

Number of young participants: 15 participants aged 17 to 28 years

Mentoring organizations involved in the training:

Banovina: Petrinja Tourist Board, Hrvatska Kostajnica Tourist Board, Banovina Heritage Interpretation Center, 4 Elements Association

Podravina: Koprivnica City Museum, Central Podravina Tourist Board, Stari zanati Association, Koprivnica High School

Slavonia: Tourist Board of the Municipality of Babina Greda, Association for the Promotion and Preservation of Šokac Heritage “Šokadija”, Hospitality and Tourism School Osijek.

Young people realized their projects in 9 municipalities, cities, towns, or villages: Koprivnica, Hlebine, Glogovac, Petrinja, Hrvatska Kostajnica, Dvor, Babina Greda, Đakovo and Osijek. You can read more about the training and projects designed by young people here: Pro-Youth pilot training, November 2020 – January 2021

The Pro-Youth handbook is also intended for independent use! You can use it as a teaching manual or as a support for the realization of your own projects in cultural tourism.


  1. Introduction to cultural management
  2. From idea to realization
  3. Marketing and communication

4.1. Creative Writing Workshop – 1

4.2. Creative Writing Workshop – 2

excerpt: Pro-Youth worksheets – From idea to realization

We will be glad if you share your impressions of the manual with us. Write to us at