The NECE – Networking European Citizenship Education platform is a European initiative on citizenship education which has been initiated and managed by the Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung, ‘bpb’) together with seven partners from European countries for more than ten years now. Dr. Caroline Hornstein Tomić, chair of ZND’s management board, is a member of NECE’s Advisory board.
NECE is an open transnational and diverse (non institutionalised) community of stakeholders and practitioners (formal, non-formal and informal education) of citizenship education (CE) from Europe and associated countries, providing a forum for debate on equal footing, and knowledge exchange. NECE identifies political, societal trends relevant to CE and develops responses to transfer them into practice. NECE provides a link to advocate CE at the national, European as well as the international level.
An inspiring online event is happening from August to October 2020: The NECE CAMPUS 2020.
It offers a wide range of digital learning and networking opportunities for educators, experts in citizenship education, civil society actors and other citizens.
The NECE CAMPUS invites to its different formats and speakers and presenters from all over Europe – presenting best practice in teaching and learning citizenship, training opportunities and ideas for the future of democracy and sustainability.
One of the presenters is also ZND who will hold a presentation of the latest program KARIJEROTEKA in a lively and inspiring format pecha kucha.
ZND is going to be broadcasted live on Thursday 22nd October at 13.15 on the NECE facebook page:
Tune in!