The kick-off meeting of the project “Baden-Württemberg – Bosnia and Herzegovina Vocational Schools Partnership Network” was held at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sarajevo, on 3rd of October 2019. A panel discussion was moderated by Dr. Caroline Hornstein Tomić, Chair of the Management Bord of Foundation Znanje na djelu / Wissen am Werk. At the panel were State Minister Theresa Schopper from Baden-Württemberg, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schuster from the European Foundation for Education, Ramona Neuse from the Representation of the German Economy in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Muamer Mahmutović, Sarajevo Canton Chamber of Commerce President, Peter Lehle, Director of the Ellwangen School of Vocational Education Center, Senida Čeljo from Sarajevo High School of Economics, Alisa Gekić, Association for Entrepreneurship and Business LiNK Mostar Director. Prof. Dr. Rifat Škrijelj, Rector of the University of Sarajevo, gave a welcome adress. For more information please check out the official posting at the University of Sarajevo.
A Journey of Empowering Youth through Social Entrepreneurship – YOU CAN BE! Project
As the Erasmus+ KA2 project "Youth, believe in you and become a social entrepreneur!" (YOU CAN BE!) concludes its implementation (2022–2024), time has come to celebrate its achievements and transformative impact on young people across Europe. Empowering Youth...