Presentation of the EDU-LAB project in Sofia

lis 25, 2018 | EDU-LAB, News

The Knowledge at Work Foundation participated in the presentation of the EDU-LAB project at the 7th Annual Forum on the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. The Forum was held on the 18th and 19th October 2018 in Sofia, organized by the Republic of Bulgaria as the Chairman of the Danube Strategy and the European Commission. At the end of the Forum, the presidency was taken over by Romania.

Director of EDU-LAB Project Agnes Sebestyen,

European Foundation for Education and Jasenka Gojšić,

Project Manager EDU-LAB, Foundation Knowledge at Work


The topic of the Forum was Tourism and Cultural Heritage, which is of interest for the Foundation`s new project ERASUMS + PRO-YOUTH

More than 600 participants from the region gathered at the Forum to look at the achievements and new opportunities that have been made to address the challenges facing the Danube region. This includes security, mobility and the preservation of cultural and natural heritage. As part of the Forum, a thematic outdoor exhibition was set up at the Lovers Bridge near the National Palace of Culture, where the Forum was held. Exhibited photographs were created on projects focused on tourism and preservation of the cultural and natural environment in the Danube region.

“The forum presented amazing life projects with very concise results and a great impact on the quality of life in the Danube region, which was reflected in the exhibition. With these exhibited photographs and with all my heart, I wanted to have as many young people as possible achieve the well-being right here. The whole Forum gives a new meaning to our EDU-LAB project. EDU-LAB aims to create opportunities for young people in the Danube the region through the convergence of education and economy, “says Jasenka Gojšić, head of the EDU-LAB project at the Knowledge at Work Foundation.

Find videos and more about the Forum on the following links:


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