Panel debate Talking Europe 2019.-2020.

stu 8, 2019 | News

We are happy to announce the panel debate “Re- and circular migration as cohesion strategy” on November 11th, 2019, from 16-18 h, in the conference hall of the Croatian Heritage Foundation, Trg Stjepana Radića 3. The key note will be delivered by Martin Russell (PhD) from the UCD Clinton Institute in Dublin, who will speak about Irelands Diaspora strategy.  Panelists are: Croatiana Orešković, Counselor with a special position on the issue of Croatian Diaspora, Central State Office for Croats abroad, Zagreb, Alida Vračić, Europe’s Future felloe of IWM and ERSTE Foundation, Vienna, and Remus Gabriel Anghel, PhD, Romanian Institute for Research on National Issues, Cluj-Napoca. Dr. Caroline Hornstein Tomić, chairwoman of the management board of Znanje na djelu, is moderating the panel debate, the third in the series Talking Europe II 2019-2020, which she is curating at the Institut Ivo Pilar. The series aims to promote public debate on the current challenges and future perspectives of the European Union, which has specific importance in light of the upcoming Croatian Presidency of the EU Council. The debate is jointly organised by the Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, the Institute for Development and International Relations and the Embassy of Ireland in Croatia, and hosted by the Croatian Heritage Foundation.

The debate will be live streamed at Simultaneous Croatian-English translation is provided.

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