New Book for Transitional Dialogue

Sep 27, 2021 | News, Uncategorized

The second book in the scope of the project Transitional Dialogue “Challenges of Transition in Eastern Europe. Lessons for Civic Education” is available online. Among the authors who wrote about the challenges in facing the time of reversal (1989/1990) and the consequences and lessons for modern civic education is the President of the Znanje na djelu Board (Knowledge at Work) Caroline Hornstein-Tomić, PhD.

Transition Dialogue 2019-2021 – Dealing with change in democratic ways, is a two-year project [team leader in Croatia is Caroline Hornstein Tomić, PhD – from the Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences, in collaboration with the Znanje na djelu (Knowledge at Work) Foundation] that addresses the issue of how the transition from communism to democracy and market economy is taught in schools and in the non-formal education sector. The project also explores how the resources used by teachers/educators can be enriched and more diverse. Seven partners from Central and Eastern Europe – Latvia, Germany, Ukraine, Russia, Bulgaria, Croatia, and Poland – are participating in a project funded by the German Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale fuer politische Bildung, bpb) and coordinated by two NGOs, Deutsch-Russischer Austausch DRA e.V., and Sofia Platform Foundation. More information is available at or Under the title Transition Dialogue, an exchange of opinions was launched in 2014 among experts from academic and non-governmental organizations dealing with civic education in Germany and Central and Eastern Europe. The title of the current publication is “Challenges of Transition in Eastern Europe: Lessons for Civic Education”.

Link to the online publication: