Croatian CLIL-Robotic-Project 2019. / 20. Workshops in Ogulin, 14.10.2019

Sep 27, 2019 | News, OBSERVE-TRY-EXPERIENCE., STEM-GROW-EXPLORE, Uncategorized

CLIL-Robotic-Project 2019/20
Workshops in Ogulin, 14.10.2019

Dear Colleagues
as we have already informed you, the CLILiG-Robotic-Project will take place for the third time
in the school year 2019/20. It is supported by the German Embassy in Zagreb, the German-
Croatian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the foundation Knowledge at Work (Zaklada
Znanje na djelu) as well as the technical advisor for the German language in the Croatian
National Agency for Education (Agencija za odgoj i obrazovanje), Mr. Marko Javorina, among others.
The project will be implemented as a series of advanced training courses, in which CLILiGRobotics
(Content and Language Integrated Learning in German) will be introduced and
executed, as topical and future oriented schoolwork. The required Lego Mindstorm robots will
be made available free of charge. Knowledge of robotics/information technology is not
necessary. The final event of the project will be the “3rd Croatian CLIL-Robotic-Championship”,
which will be held in the context of the Croatian (01-06/2020) and German (07-12/2020) EU Council Presidency.
The opening event of the project will be on Monday, 14.10.2019, from 15:00 hrs in the school
centre High and Vocational School Bernardin Frankopan in Ogulin.
We invite teachers of German as a foreign language DaF and MINT/STEM to take part. There
will be two workshops: topic one will be CLILiG, topic two ROBOTICS using Lego Mindstorms.
In charge are: Sunčica Sabljak/Gerald Hühner (DaF) and Dragan/Sabljak/Bojan Grba
(IT/MINT). Guest lecturer is the internationally known robotics expert Maja Hadžiselimović,
who will give a lecture on the subject and accompany the workshops.
Attendance is free of charge. Please direct registration and any other queries to the organisers
mentioned below.

Thank you for your time, attention and support.
Kind regards Sunčica Sabljak
Dr. Gerald Hühner