Closing conference of the project “Transition Dialogue 2019-2022” held

Apr 11, 2022 | News


From 31 March to 1 April 2022, Dr. Caroline Hornstein Tomić took part in the closing conference of the international project “Transition Dialogue 2019-2022”, which was organized as a hybrid format in Berlin. At the conference the main project output was presented under the title “Teaching history of transition in Europe. A handbook for the history and civic education”. As leader of the Croatian project team, Dr. Caroline Hornstein Tomić discussed with other panellists the history of transition against the background of the war in Ukraine. She highlighted the importance of pan-European exchange platforms for civic education, and she presented together with the economic expert Vedrana Pribičević (ZŠEM) the work of the Croatian team on teaching the economic history of transition in Croatia.

The conference was organized by the NGOs Deutsch-Russischer Austausch DRA e.V. (Germany) and Sofia Platform Foundation (Bulgaria), who were the lead partners of the Transition Dialogue project. The Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar together with Zaklada Znanje na djelu / Stiftung Wissen am Werk participated as Croatian partner in the project. Other project partners were: Open Lithuania Foundation (OLF, Lithuania); Center for Citizenship Education (Poland); Congress of Culture Activists (CCA, Ukraine).