More than 550 students followed Karijeroteka

More than 550 students followed Karijeroteka

The Znanje na djelu Foundation has successfully completed the KARIJEROTEKA 2020/2021 program at the end of May. It all started in October 2020 in response to the crisis caused by the pandemic that made it no longer possible to run live programs. This new online...


TESTING PRO-YOUTH METHODOLOGY THROUGH PILOT TRAINING Based on the conducted research and trends in cultural tourism, we designed the Pro-Youth methodology of project learning with mentoring and successfully tested it through pilot training. When designing educational...
New Book for Transitional Dialogue

New Book for Transitional Dialogue

The second book in the scope of the project Transitional Dialogue “Challenges of Transition in Eastern Europe. Lessons for Civic Education” is available online. Among the authors who wrote about the challenges in facing the time of reversal (1989/1990) and the...
How is chemistry applied in the economy?

How is chemistry applied in the economy?

In early March 2020, as part of the Pogledaj. Probaj. Doživi.” Program by the Znanje na djelu (Knowledge at Work) Foundation, students of the Medvedgrad Elementary School visited the Central Testing Laboratory, which operates within the company INA d.d. Sixth, seventh...