500 pupils, parents, teachers and principals visited Valamar

lis 16, 2018 | CONNECTING KNOWLEDGE, News

Valamar opened their doors to pupils from all parts of Croatia making a step towards promoting professions in the tourist industry

 Poreč, October 12th 2018 – Valamar  just launched a new big strategical project “With knowledge to excellence” in partnership with Zaklada Znanje na djelu ( Knowledge at Work Foundation) and Zajedinica ravnatelja ugostiteljsko-turističkih škola (Organisation of Principals of Touristic Schools), which made a big step towards promoting touristic professions.

The programme took place in three different Valamar resorts at the same time: Poreč, Rabac and Krk. It opened doors to 27 schools from all parts of Croatia and for almost 500 pupils, parents, teachers and principals who attended workshops for two days, to get to know all the trends in tourism today.

The pupils attended thematic workshops such as Masterchef, Cocktail making or Career development. Experienced mentors transferred their knowledge offering both input and motivation.

„Valamar Riviera and their partners created a unique project of ‘open doors’ for 500 people at the same time. I am sure that among these 27 schools, lots of young people found motivation to choose tourism as their future career”, said Nevea Tolavnov, head of human potential of Valamar Riviera.

 Among educative workshops, there were various fun competitions, quizzes, games and a movie night.

 „Activities and programmes of Znanje na djelu are aimed at connecting all levels of education with the economy and business. This is the reason we started collaborating with Valamar years ago on our program ‘Connecting knowledge. Generating experience.’ We started with just one bus of pupils and this year  five times more participants took part in the programme, with 11 buses driving from all parts of Croatia to Istria. This year we involved the parents as well who are an important link between these young people and their future career”, explained Daška Domljan, member of the Management Board of Zaklada Znanje na djelu /  Knowledge at Work Foundation.


Having almost 3.000 hours of education, these pupils are taking home, not only a lot of knowledge, but also some pleasant memories.

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Domaćini učeničkih praksi – predstavljamo tvrtku Brigada

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