2020 Meet Nanobit

ruj 27, 2021 | Vijesti

On Thursday, October 29th 2020, at 5:00 pm, we continued with Karijeroteka, a series of online conversations with professionals from various industries and fields. Students all over Croatia were able to meet “cool people who do cool jobs” no matter where they live.

They were able to engage in conversations and hear scientists, entrepreneurs, writers, doctors or farmers answer questions such as: “What is the most interesting aspect of your work? How did your career develop? What skills are key in your business? What advice would you give to a 16-year-old yourself?”

Our interlocutor this time was Marta Kunić from Nanobit, a company founded by two ambitious and creative developers in 2008, and today it has more than 100 employees who are all experts in their field. Their common goal is to create the most fun mobile games.

Marta has been with Nanobit for 4 years, of which she has been a senior programmer for the last year. She has worked on many of Nanobit’s successful games such as Hollywood Story and My Story. In her free time, she likes to dance, read books, and bake cakes.

We thank the Erste Stiftung Foundation from Vienna and Zagreb Wastewater for recognizing and financially supporting the Karijeroteka project.

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